Spring has sprung! With the onset of warm weather we are all out and about more, and most of the time that means our pets are too! Spending more time outside means our furry friends are more susceptible to diseases transmitted by other critters and parasites. Like Lyme, Leptospirosis would be considered to be another lifestyle vaccine, it is recommended to give based on your dog’s risk for contracting the disease. Leptospirosis (lepto as some call it) is transmitted most commonly by skunks and raccoons in their urine. It is not a new disease, however we sometimes see pockets of infection increase during particularly wet springs following mild winters, which may be the case this year. At your dog’s annual visit this year, talk to your vet about these lifestyle vaccines and see if they may be right for your dog. Read through the infographic below to learn more about this disease. Enjoy the warm weather – I know I will- and check back next month!
Dr. Elia